Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I Dig Every Second (10/26)

This is mostly just some FYI about the last two poems I posted, "Farewell to Julian" and "First-Person Space."

The first poem is dedicated to Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones (featured in the photo uploaded with the poem), a man I'd read up on a great deal at the time of the poem's composition. The title comes from his favoritism of the name Julian which is derived from one of his favorite musicians, Julian "Cannonball" Adderley. I often feel Brian doesn't get enough credit for his achievements, and is more known for his destructive behavior than anything. So please know that Brian Jones was the original founder of The Rolling Stones, meaning he held the auditions for the band which Mick Jagger and Keith Richards attended. Brian was also the first noted musician to master slide guitar in England. He composed an entire film score which featured the likes of Jimmy Page, and mastered a little over twenty-one instruments by the time he was twenty-seven. Also, by the time of his death at the age of twenty-seven (thus making him one of the first and most famous members of the 27 Club), he was clear of all illegal drugs contrary to the popular belief that Brian had burnt out due to his substance abuse.

The second poem, "First-Person Space" is a villanelle. It's better that I not discuss the subject of the poem, but I will tell you that I love writing poetry with guidelines like villanelles. Usually the idea of rules tying down art is not something I think of affectionately, but it's not to such a suffocating extent. It's more like a rainbow, you know? Instead of having the colors spill every which way, they're aligned to make something neat and just as aesthetically appealing. 

That came out a lot cornier than I intended.

Still working out how I'll manage to watermark my writing. It'd be a lot easier if I still had my old photo editing software.

I also wrote a poem yesterday that I intend to recite for things like open mic nights, so I will not be uploading it till I have had the opportunity to perform it publicly. In other words, you'll be seeing it before you read it.

I must be off now - class is about to start.

Hasta luego!

Today have some Dave Grohl, aka my muse.


Nikki McGuire said...

Villanelles. Ahh, such fond memories of me nearly tearing the pages out of my creative writing composition book and screaming out that I hate rhyming, rhythm and all of their cousins. Yours are always lovely, of course.

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