Friday, October 21, 2011

All Her Little Pets (10/21)

I may or may not be watching It Might Get Loud in my spare time.

And if I am, it's probably absolutely awesome.

I posted a poem a minute ago, so here's some information pertaining to it. The title is from the David Bowie song "Changes" wherein he sings, "And these children that you spit on as they try to change their world are immune to your consultation - they're quite aware of what they're going through." Many will recognize it as part of the introduction to The Breakfast Club. I wrote it earlier this year, somewhere around spring, and submitted it to my school's literary club, but I've tweaked it a lot since it was published.

The reason I feel a lot more comfortable with updating with my poetry is because I'm not a real poet. I'm much better and more confident with prose. Also, you have to have a complete disregard for rhythm while writing prose which suits me just fine. I do still write poetry frequently, but it's mostly for my own benefit. 

While I'm here, I might as well gush about how Shannon and I have found a theater that's doing Rocky Horror this month. For those who don't know, there are few things I enjoy more in life than attending a live performance of the Rocky Horror Picture show, and I might even be able to go see one tonight if the stars align right. 

Also, today I managed to use the sentence “hace treinta minutas que ecuché la música de Led Zeppelin,” in my Spanish class which I would call an achievement. If I'm going to participate, I might as well be obnoxious about it.

Again, thank you to all my visitors thus far. Thank you to my family, friends, and followers (which makes me sound like the leader of a cult and will never sound any different thanks to Kelsey Climer) and I hope you find time to check back regularly. I do intend for updates to become a daily event.

I think I'll end today with a clip from one of my favorite shows at the moment, the British comedy panel show Mock the Week. WARNING: contains strong language that was not censored by BBC2 because Europe is funny that way. 


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