Thursday, October 20, 2011

Where You Do Belong (10/20)

It was really hard finding lyrics from the song I have stuck in my head that were appropriate enough to use for a post title. Oh, you Rolling Stones, you.

So, last night I finished a short story that's been gnawing at my skull for the past four months or so. It's about twelve pages as is, but it's still very rough. Right now it's going through the first preliminary rounds of revisions, and then will be sent out to whatever magazine I can find that'll accept it. I already have a list made up, but it probably won't be ready for another month. I'm really excited for this story, so I hope I can do well with it.

Also, once I get this short story out of the way, I can start on an idea for a book that smacked me in the face two days ago.

There are guys in the courtyard who always always always greet each other by yelling "yo yo yo," sometimes at three o'clock in the morning and I can't help but think that a special circle of hell is being made up especially for them.

Since I still have not actually posted any of my work, I plan on digging up some of my poetry for tomorrow's update if I have the time. Shannon and I are supposed to be seeing a Pearl Jam tribute band somewhere on Chimes, so details are a bit fuzzy right now.

At this point in time I have started advertising this blog for both my followers on Tumblr and friends and family on Facebook, so I'll say hello to you now and thank you very much for visiting. I hope you choose to keep coming back.

The quote of the day comes from the song where I derived my blog's header.

Paupers and kings, princes and thieves, singers of songs, righters of wrongs, be what you believe. Saddle your horse, shoulder your load, burst at the seams, be what you dream, and then take to the road. 

- Frank Turner, "Journey of the Magi"

Frank Turner is a force to be reckoned with. Do go look him up when you get the chance.


Nikki McGuire said...

This is an obnoxious comment to let you know that we're going to make this the most fabulous Joey to have ever existed.
And that my friend Matt (nicknamed Badger to avoid confusion) was talking about how he'd like to have a kangaroo pouch today and I thought of you.

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